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Written by a patient
30th September 2020

I met Professor Chinoy after suffering several weeks of misery... not understanding what was happening to my body. I was a fit and active 73 year old, swimming several times a week, walking and enjoying an active social life. It started with a badly itching scalp, the rash then spread to my chest and back... ...then came the loss of movement in my arms and legs... very frightening. I had an appointment with Professor Chinoy at the Alexander Hospital and he immediately diagnosed me as having Dermatomyositis which meant nothing to me. My immune system had crashed and I needed immediate treatment. He assured me in a quiet and confident manner he could and would help me to get better. But there was a but, the condition could be brought on by Cancer and was an early warning the condition could be present in my body and would need further treatment. Within 2 days the Professor had admitted me to the Rheumatology Department at the Salford Royal Hospital where he and his team started to restore my immune system. I cannot praise this department enough. After extensive treatment I was then referred to the Oncology Department at Christie's.... they confirmed Cancer was present and I would need Surgery and Chemotherapy treatment. It has been extensive, thorough and very professional at every step. I have had a total hysterectomy, completed the Chemotherapy course and am now awaiting a Scan. Thanks to the quiet confidence of Professor Chinoy, his superior knowledge of his subject, and his support throughout, I can say a little word which means so much..... THANK YOU and yes, if you want great care.... I recommend Professor Chinoy and his team unreservedly.
