Share review of Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth)


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Written by a patient
11th March 2020

I had experienced ongoing stiffness in both my hips and groins for 4-5 years, and they would become particularly worse after I played sport. The stiffness and pain had increased gradually over time and began to take longer to recover from after training sessions and matches. After experiencing a separate injury, I decided to investigate the matter and my MRI revealed that I had FAI impingement syndrome in each hip. After receiving an unsatisfactory consultation in Ireland, including the recommendation to cease all sporting activities and the cessation of running entirely, I was referred to Professor Griffin in the United Kingdom. His initial assessment found that my range of movement in each hip was severely restricted, with an impingement in both hips and significant degeneration in both hips. Due to the state of my Hips, Professor Griffin outlined that that I would likely require to have both my hips replaced earlier than the average person. Despite the unfortunate long-term diagnosis, Professor Griffin was able to outline a treatment path that would alleviate the stiffness and tightness that I was experience on a day-to-day basis and that would ultimately allow me to return to playing sport. The treatment strategy agreed upon was a local anaesthetic and steroid injection in each hip, which would allow me to play in the 2018/2019 rugby season, and then a bilateral arthroscopic surgery on each hip once the season had concluded. After the season concluded, I returned to Coventry in late April 2019 to have arthroscopic surgery on my left hip. Unfortunately, Professor Griffin had abandoned the surgery as he found that the damage to the hip was too extensive, and that the hip was too tight, to perform the surgery safely. The surgery revealed that I had no remining labrum in my hip with significant degeneration of my cartilage as well. This was obviously extremely disappointing news to receive and appeared to be a significant setback in my ambition to continue playing sport. At the start of May, I returned to see Professor Griffin to have the arthroscopic surgery on the right hip - which was successful – and to discuss the options for my left hip. During the consultation on my left hip, Professor Griffin outlined that he believed that an open procedure involving a surgical dislocation of my hip with an osteotomy, reshaping of the of the femoral head and a reconstruction of the labrum and cartilage with an allograft, would provide me with the best possible chance of improving the symptoms and function of my left hip. He also suggested that, if required, he would perform a resurfacing of the femoral head; however, I decided against this option. Thankfully the surgery was successful, and, despite a 6-month rehab process, I was able to successfully return to sport with no pain or stiffness in my hips post the playing. I am extremely pleased that I chose to visit Professor Griffin, as I was unaware of the extent of the damage to my hips and without his experience and care I would be looking at a replacement in the near-term. The treatment course outlined by Professor Griffin has bought me time, both in terms of allowing me to play and delaying a more significant procedure. What stands out most about Professor Griffin, and his team, is the honesty with which he talks through potential outcomes and the emphasis he places on making the best decision for that person. The whole experience (initial consultations, scans, surgery and post-operative follow-up) has been of the highest standard and I would recommend Professor Griffin to anybody.
