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Written by a private patient at Poole General Hospital
2nd November 2022

Dr Richards had fully investigated my history prior to appointment. He was very clear in his explanations and thoroughly answered all my questions. Dr Richards appears extremely knowledgable and up to date with latest research. Dr Richards has a nice friendly manner. I was very pleased to have found him.

Written by a private patient at Poole General Hospital
27th September 2022

Like other reviews on here I found this Dr to be completely dismissive and did not listen to anything I was saying, wasted time and journey, pointless appointment. I left feeling worse than I did when I arrived, sadly many others will scumb to the same fate with this Dr, if your going Private please research and don’t waste your money elsewhere, if your unlucky enough to be NHS, well I frankly feel sorry for you being placed in his unsupportive dismissive patronising sarcastic hands once he gives his biased opinion that it it’s final no room for discussion he’s God and that’s that! Good luck and ask for a second opinion as soon as you get out of his office.

Written by a NHS patient at Poole General Hospital
12th September 2022

Dr Selwyn Richards is a superstar and a family hero. We first met in 2006 when my persistent back and neck pain had got to the stage where I couldn't work anymore and was only able to "sleep" for around 2 hours a night. I was age 32 with an Oxford Maths Degree, a young family to support and no job. I was bemused by his curious optimism and cheerfulness, which I imagine some patients might not like, however I quickly decided that I liked him enormously and would trust him above anyone else on matters of persistent pain (and believe me I have consulted a lot of professionals about my pain). Dr Richards knows his stuff. He understands chronic pain, with all its bizarre interdependency on exercise, rest, relaxation, mental state of mind etc etc better than anyone else I have met. He knows medication, physiotherapy, trigger points, and all the complementary therapies too. He cannot "fix" you - only you can do that - but he can point you in the right direction. Work hard and try to stay positive! After about a year of hard graft getting to grips with the problem, I was able to return to my job, and now have a full and active life. Although I still have some pain (16 years later) and am reliant on medication (for now at least), it is no longer a “problem”. We have met professionally just a handful of times, including this year (2022) for a review, and he is still a wealth of knowledge and expertise. All of his advice over the years has turned out to be spot on. For chronic pain, Selwyn Richards was my doctor of last resort, and ultimately the one who gave me the tools to get back on top.

Written by a private patient at The Harbour Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
15th June 2022

I have now met with Dr Richards twice and have found him to be extremely professional, knowledgeable, and courteous. On my first visit I was feeling very anxious and was mentally feeling very low. I was immediately put at ease and left Dr Richard's consultation room in a significantly better frame of mind. Dr Richards is clearly very knowledgeable in his field and was able to explain complicated concepts in a straightforward manner. Further reading material was sent to me electronically within minutes of my consultation, and a response to my follow up email was both immediate and concise.

Written by a NHS patient at Poole General Hospital
13th June 2022

I was not listened to at all. A factually incorrect letter from another service was listened to. No history taken no discussion entered into no notice taken of symptoms and advice and help given had already been tried for over nine months to no effect and so my negatives as they were perceived were shouted down as he did talk loudly at us and listened to nothing. I really will be seeking second opinion


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Specialises in

  • Rheumatology