Share review of Dr Ioannis Ntanos MD, MA, MBA


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Written by a private patient
10th December 2023

I had my top surgery (DI with FNG) with Dr Ioannis Ntanos in October 2023 – I am nearly 7 weeks post-op at the moment, and I am extremely happy with both my results and the quality of the care I received from Mr Ntanos and his team. I was very nervous as it was my first time having surgery, but everyone in the team helped to put me at ease. I didn’t have drains, just a post-op binder worn until the post-op appointment about 2 weeks later instead. I had very little pain throughout my recovery (worst it ever got was about 3/10, but it was mostly more like 1/10 or not painful at all) – I don’t know how much of that is due to surgeon’s skill and how much is just luck, but either way I am thrilled! As a larger-chested and somewhat overweight person, I wanted to find a surgeon who could manage this okay and still accomplish good results. I also wanted it to not be a problem that I am non-binary and have only been on a low dose of T for a very short period of time. In these respects especially, I definitely feel that I made the right decision with Mr Ntanos. My video call consultation was in June 2023. From the start, Mr Ntanos’ manner was professional and kind, and this helped me to feel confident in choosing him to be my surgeon. The surgery was booked for October 2023. I had to swap the date we originally booked for a week later, and he was very good about this and sorted it quickly for me. On the day of the operation, I arrived at the hospital at 6:45am and was taken to my room not long after. Several healthcare professionals came to ask me questions and check various things, and they were all efficient and treated me with respect. I was told I would be 2nd out of the 3 of us having surgery that day. I didn’t have to have a blood test because I’d already had one recently with my GP and had the results. Mr Ntanos came in to go over the details of what was going to happen (including things like nipple size, and how he may have to join the incisions in the middle if necessary) and to draw on my chest. His manner really put me at ease, and I felt comfortable even when he was marking my chest. The nurse who looked after me, Ros, was amazing too – very kind and really helped me to feel comfortable. She introduced herself with her pronouns and the way she talked to me was very nice and comforting. I had my mum waiting with me in the room, and the time until surgery passed fairly quickly. You can’t eat or drink at all in the morning (only a sip of water to take meds with, otherwise nothing for 6 hours before) so I did start to feel a bit hungry and thirsty as time went on – but it wasn’t too much, and those feelings were definitely overshadowed by feeling quite scared and very excited. When I was taken upstairs for surgery (at around 9:45am), I was feeling very nervous, but the nurse anaesthetist was very reassuring and kind. He was understanding when I wasn’t very good at focusing on what he was saying to me, and he held my hand in a very comforting way when I was going under the anaesthetic. When I came to, I was surprised by how little pain I was in – the pain wasn’t at all intense and was very manageable. My memories of the time immediately after I came to are a bit fuzzy but I think I had a little happy-cry that it was done and I had finally had a flat chest. The nurse, Ros, and a healthcare assistant (who I had also already met) wheeled me back to my room and chatted to me on the way, and I remember this bit as fun – I think I probably said some strange things while I was coming down from the anaesthetic as I felt quite high with it! I was back in my room and coherent enough to text my girlfriend the word “FLAT” by 12:45. I had some lunch (the food provided was nice!) and rested for a bit. I didn’t feel nauseous at all, and felt a lot better generally than I thought I would right after surgery. I was up and moving pretty quickly, I went to the toilet fine not long after. Nurses and healthcare assistants came to check on me, and if I needed anything between people coming in I had a button to press and someone would come. A bit later on, Mr Ntanos came in to check on me to see how I was recovering and to discharge me. He told me he hadn’t had to join the incisions, and also told me (at my request) how much weight he had removed from my chest (2.1kg!). He gave me his mobile number and encouraged me to contact him if I had any questions or concerns. When I did contact him a week or so later with a small concern about blood showing through the dressings, he responded very quickly and reassured me. I think I left the hospital at around 7pm, after having some dinner. Upon discharge they gave me a pack of things including a sick note for work, an information leaflet about looking after yourself during recovery, a letter to go to my GP to be scanned onto my record, pain medication for the recovery period (although I didn’t end up needing to take any), and a spare pair of compression socks. It was really good that everything (including these things, the post-op binder, and the post-op appointment) was included in the £7000 price. Mr Ntanos originally booked my post-op appointment for 15 days later, but was flexible in changing it to 16 days later, which was more convenient for my mum who was driving me. In the appointment, Mr Ntanos removed my dressings and talked to me about how recovery was going and what I should expect and continue to do/avoid and for how long. He made a comment about my tummy sticking out, which was 100% fine with me (it does a bit, and I don’t mind that at all!) but it did strike me as a potentially triggering thing if he were to say that to someone who had a history of ED/ body dysmorphia – hopefully he is mindful about making comments like that and judges individual situations. He answered all of mine and my mum’s questions, and again told me I could contact him on WhatsApp if I was concerned about anything. At the end of the appointment we thanked him, and he said it was an honour and a privilege – it really comes across what a trans ally he is and how much he cares about his patients and the work he does. I am thrilled with my results. The incisions are incredibly thin, the perfect shape, very symmetrical, and healing well. My nipple placement looks just right. I was really worried about dog ears as I had a fairly large chest before, but there’s only an ever so slight dog ear on the right hand side and the left side is perfect. I still have some skin bunching sort of around the top of the scars near the middle, but I think that’s the kind of thing that evens out over time – regardless, it feels a hundred times better than having breasts! I finally feel comfortable and happy in my body, and I am so grateful to Mr Ntanos for changing my life. I am incredibly excited to get to live the whole rest of my life with a flat chest! I definitely recommend Mr Ntanos to anyone looking for a top surgeon.
