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18th May 2024

As I was sat in the waiting area the afternoon patients were starting to come in and were sat behind me, a young nurse came up to collect one of the patients and noticed me in an upset state and asked if I was ok, I explained the whole situation again to her and she was fantastic (I didn’t catch her name) but she was amazing. It turned out that she was the one that went down to theatre with her and comforted her when she got scared and started crying -although that should have been me- she assured me that everything went well and that she was in recovery and that she was ok. Which was a big relief after worrying for 2 hours! the young nurse was excellent at her job and I am so grateful for her. But some of the other staff not so much. After they realised they were in the wrong they basically avoided me!

Suggested improvements
Advise of the proper protocol and don’t assume that people have read a sign on a wall behind them
