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Written by a private patient
14th May 2022

In September 2021 at aged 27 I was diagnosed with an inflamed gallbladder and gallstones. This was diagnosed by paying for a private ultrasound scan due to the long NHS wait. Up until this point I was misdiagnosed for a year with IBS by my GP. I knew this wasn't right so I made the decision to have a private scan. After the diagnosis I was placed on the NHS urgent waiting list for gallbladder removal surgery. However due to pressures the NHS are currently under from the knock on effect of Covid I was informed I would be waiting a long time for the surgery. While waiting for the NHS surgery my health declined. I continued to experience painful attacks that towards the end were occurring every night. Before making my decision to go private I felt unable to eat and was barely sleeping at night due to waking up in severe pain that would last till the early morning. My gallbladder also kept becoming infected. This resulted in visits to A&E where I would be put on antibiotics and sent home only for it to become infected again. After feeling unable to wait any longer I made the decision to go private as I had no quality of life at all at the age of 27. Through my own research I came across Dr Thomas Satyadas. I booked in for a consultation which was carried out the same week. During the consultation Dr Thomas Satyadas listened to my story and explained calmly and clearly what was going on for me. For example explaining that due to my gallbladder becoming reinfected numerous times that I had infact experienced mini bouts of sepsis which is why I was so fatigued. I finally felt listened to and felt someone finally had empathy for what I had been going through. Dr Thomas Satyadas picked up upon that I seemed more than ready to have the surgery. He then asked when I wanted the surgery to which I replied as soon as possible. The consultation was on Wednesday and if it wasn't for Covid procedures he explained that I could have been operated on the Friday. Instead I was booked in for the following Friday which I was so relieved by. On the day of my operation Dr Thomas Satyadas visited me and explained the procedure again and answered any questions clearly. He also outlined that I was first on his list to be operated on. The anaesthetic doctor also visited me beforehand and talked through everything clearly and calmed my nerves. I was very nervous when being walked down to the operation theatre as I had never had any surgery before or recieved any anaesthesia. However I was reassured constantly and before I knew it was put to sleep and woke up in the recovery room. Dr Thomas Satyadas visited me in the recovery room and told me all had gone well. He also phoned my mum after the surgery to update her on the success of the surgery. Dr Thomas Satyadas and his anaesthetic doctor visited me the morning after to check in and I was discharged feeling very sore (as expected) but relieved to finally get my life back. Today is 11 weeks after my surgery and I had my follow up consultation this week with Dr Thomas Satyadas who confirmed all has gone well. I finally have my life back after 2 years of pain. I can finally eat properly and sleep through the night. I'm back to my weight training which is something I've not been able to enjoy fully for a long time now. My family are also over the moon seeing how much happier and healthier I am since the surgery. I honestly feel that I've been given a 2nd chance at life. I will forever be grateful for Dr Thomas Satyadas. He has done an incredible job and the scars I have are extremely small and will be virtually unnoticeable in a few years time. I always felt fully listened to, respected and never rushed. He has a very calming energy that puts you at ease straight away. I cannot recommend Dr Thomas Satyadas enough.
