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Written by a patient
17th April 2017

I had a masectomy and temporary reconstruction around January/February 2015, and to this date, I'm still awaiting breast reconstruction surgery. I was put on Mr Uppal's register/ list, and a few months after I completed my treatment, I met with him and the nurse to discuss my surgery. Another year went by and I did not hear from his clinic. I had faith in their system and that they would contact me to inform me when they were to operate. Then at the beginning of this year, 2017, when I still hadn't heard from them, I started pushing for progress. When I rang his clinic I found the lady who picked up the phone most unsympathetic and I told her that I thought she was in the wrong profession. This was mainly because, after all I had been through, and all the wait, it would have been lovely to have someone understanding on the other side of the phone when I rang to check on progress. I've now been informed Mr Uppal will no longer be doing reconstructive surgery for NHS patients. So almost 2 and a half years on, I'm still in square one waiting to now be referred yet to another hospital. I have had my temporary implant for around two and a half years now. I am 46 years of age and not having this surgery has affected me psychologically. As you can imagine, self image is a big issue in my life, given my age and the aftermath of the initial surgery I underwent. I have never even shown my masectomy and 'temporary implant' breast to my husband, for over 2 years. (I have been advised to seek counselling regarding this, and I am going to). The only person that has seen it is my surgeon and nurse. Now I understand the reconstruction surgery I will have will leave me with some scars/ or visible stitches (which would not have been the case if Mr Uppal had done the procedure) - because different plastic surgeons carry out the procedure differently. This will leave me worse psychologically, physically, and from a self image point of view. I cannot express how unhappy and upset I am, about this whole issue. May I add that my care from my surgeon and nurses has been exceptional, it is just the plastic surgery side, Mr Uppal's clinic, that has let the standard of service down. I am very disappointed with the service on the plastic surgery side. I know it is not entirely Mr Uppal's fault, but it is the responsibility of the overall clinical staff to offer great care.
