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Written by a private patient
24th June 2021

A full term, twin pregnancy had separated my abdominal muscles and following physio to try to improve this I still looked pregnant. I did a lot of research into abdominoplasty and had consultations with other surgeons but within 5 minutes of meeting Mr Venus I knew he was the right person. He was professional but extremely approachable and didn’t wince at my continuous torrent of questions. He provided extensive information methodically, including up to date examples of his work, in a very caring sensitive manner and the support continued via email in the lead up to my surgery. I was cautious when thinking about the results that could be achieved but his incredible skill as a surgeon has far exceeded my result expectations even in the short time following my op. For me, the mental repair was needed as much as physical repair and he achieved this through his gentle, kind approach which is clearly innate and been refined through continuous practice. I wouldn’t hesitate to return to Mr Venus in the future or recommend him wholeheartedly to anyone considering surgery.
