Mr Gavin Robertson was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at Spire Leicester Hospital
15th June 2023

From start to finish I was treated with great care by Gavin and his team very caring and professional service would definitely recommend to anyone needing hernia operations.

Written by a private patient at Leicester General Hospital
8th June 2023

Mr Gavin Robinson carried out my laparoscopic bilateral inguinal hernia repairs, at the end of April, at the Spire Hospital, Leicester. I decided to self-fund the operation as, otherwise, I would have had a nine-month wait. At the initial consultation, Gavin examined me and confirmed the initial diagnosis, explained the laparoscopic process and answered my questions. He was reassuring and very easy to talk to. Both Gavin and the anesthetist saw me before the operation and were both very reassuring. The possible problems were explained (and their probability) and the temporary after effects and recovery times were discussed. I went to sleep broken and awakened mended. Gavin visited me shortly after I had returned to my room, at the hospital, to let me know all had gone well and to see how I was feeling before I was allowed home. I had a little pain and discomfort for the two days, following the operation, for which I took paracetamol. After that, each day showed a noticeable improvement. At my post-op consultation, I was able to ask a few more questions (I’d watched the operation - TAPP repair - on YouTube) and Gavin ‘filled in the gaps’. He was, again, very reassuring and it’s nice to know that my groin is stronger than it has ever been. I’ve delayed this review until now, six weeks after the operation, as I wanted to wait until I felt completely back to normal. I suspect this would have been sooner, had I been younger but things tend to take longer to heal now that I’m over 70. Let me conclude by saying that if you ever need a surgeon to carry out a laparoscopic hernia repair, you could put your faith in Gavin Robertson to do a great job.

Written by a private patient at The Leicester Nuffield Hospital
23rd May 2023

I was referred for an umbilical hernia. Reassuring nature during initial consultation where Dr Robertson went through the options and requirements for post op recovery. Process into Nuffield Hospital in Leicester was very smooth and excellent care including the pre-op review with a nurse a few days before the Op. I very much felt looked after. Follow up with Dr Robertson a couple of weeks afterwards. Operation went well and I only need paracetamol for a couple of days afterwards. Little discomfort and all healing nicely. Good mobility quickly and hopefully I will be able to get back to lifting etc.. in the next 6 weeks or so.

Written by a private patient at Spire Leicester Hospital
13th May 2023

I was recently referred to Mr Robertson for a ruptured hernia. During the consultation he was extremely sympathetic and helpful, advising me to go ahead with the repair procedure and explaining what would happen both and after. From then on I dealt with his secretary who was equally helpful in arranging a date and answering any questions I had. Mr Robertson visited me both before and after the procedure, initially to put my mind at rest as I had never had a general anaesthetic before and then to assure me that all had gone well. His quiet, sensitive manner throughout was very reassuring and I have no hesitation in recommending him to others.

Written by a private patient at Spire Leicester Hospital
9th May 2023

I saw Mr Robertson at the Spire in Leicester regarding a hernia. He was very professional and identified two smaller hernias is addition to the obvious one. All three were repaired using keyhole surgery just two weeks later. All went very well and Mr Robertson visited me to discuss the operation beforehand and after I came out of the anaesthetic. I also saw him 2 weeks later for a final follow up consultation. All is very well. I would definitely recommend this Consultant.


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Gavin Robertson is a Consultant Surgeon in Leicester specialising in laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery, especially surgery for gallstones having performed more than 4500, with no bile duct injuries and hernias;- inguinal, incisional, umbilical and ventral (more than 5000), He is an expert in the investigation and treatment of abdominal pain and the management of liver and pancreas cancers.
He qualified in 1984 in Leicester, trained in centres across the world before becoming a Consultant in 1999. He has specialised in laparoscopic surgery for over 20 years.