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Written by a NHS patient
1st October 2023

I have had two shoulder replacements performed by Mr Hatrick. I returned to playing tennis after the first one, a total shoulder replacement in 2020. I hope to return to tennis again after my recent reverse shoulder replacement 4 months ago. I have a fantastic range of movement (a better range than I have had for years) and I am working with the physio team to gain the strength needed for tennis. Mr Hatrick clearly explained the procedures and outcome. He has performed an amazing procedure and he gave me clear advice and potential outcomes. My wound is a neat scar, I am virtually pain free, but the persistent burning arthritic pain has gone, I can sleep at night and don’t need any pain medication anymore. Returning to tennis will be the ‘icing on the cake’, but I have my life and independence back. I would recommend and I have already recommended Mr Hatrick and his team. I cannot thank him enough. The only constructive suggestion I could make is to stress the importance of the physio exercises and although this is done by the physios if it was highlighted by the surgeon and patients were given a timetable of exercises to complete it may encourage compliance.
