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Written by a patient at Bristol Eye Hospital
26th June 2016

It's now six years since I was diagnosed with wet/AMD.Since then I have attended BEH and undergone many procedures including both cataracts.Two weeks ago I woke up totally blind in one eye as the result of an infection.A few hours later(Saturday morning) I was examined by A&E on duty doctor,refered to Mr.Lanvish Joshi who explained in great detail what the the problem was and what treatment was required.In no time I was in theatre.An amazing place with a great team. The following day an examination showed further treatment was necessary and I was offered two alternatives,one much more complex than the other.By now, my confidence in Joshi (as he likes to be called}had grown to the extent that I decided to go for broke. Monday morning we were back in theatre.Much longer this time. It went well,and after a few days of tender loving care by Nurse Ellie and her team I was released home on Thursday.Since then a follow up by Joshi shows all is well. Joshi has great empathy and understanding with his patients as I discovered when talking to his other patients.He obviously loves his work so it was no surprise to learn that he is moving up the ladder to a more senior position.He'll be much missed at BEH.

Written by a patient at Bristol Eye Hospital
24th June 2016

The doctor was very kind and caring, listening respectfully to my concerns and issues and responding as necessary. He has a very capable and professional manner which is reassuring both before the operation and during follow up. The operation appears to have been successful so he is as competent as his manner implies.

Written by a patient at Bristol Eye Hospital
11th June 2016

Mr Lavnish Joshi was the surgeon that repaired my retinal tear. On the day I came in to hospital as an emergency he was calm but clear what operation needed to carried out. The repair was a complete success and my optician when he scans the eye cannot tell it has had surgery it is such brilliant work. Today I was discharged from the care of the retinal team by Mr Joshi. I can't thank him enough for the surgery but also every time I have seen him he has answered all my questions - however trivial - with due consideration and great knowledge. I would recommend him and anyone at the Bristol Eye hospital totally and without hesitation. Thank you.

Written by a patient at Bristol Eye Hospital
26th April 2016

Mr Lavnish Joshi is a very competent ophthalmic surgeon. Following vitrectomy and lens insertion in my left eye the sight has been restored. Should I ever need surgery to the other eye I would be very pleased if Mr Joshi could do it for me. I am very grateful.

Written by a patient at Bristol Eye Hospital
8th April 2016

I had a Vitrectomy and epiretinal membrane peel 7 weeks ago at the Bristol Eye Hospital. I would like to say a big thank you to Mr Joshi for giving me my sight back the improvement was immediate. I could not believe how clear everything was the next day after my operation. The professional and friendly approach by all the staff at the BEH is something to be commended and l have complete confidence with them, should l require treatment in the future.


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Consultant in Ophthalmology and Vitreoretinal Surgery