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Written by a private patient at Harley Health Village
3rd January 2022

After having children & losing weight I suffered with the old sagging breasts. Although I tried to ignore it this affected my confidence especially when wearing a bathing costume. I went to transform who made the breast lift procedure an easy option to obtain. I was then referred to my surgeon Mr Alfie. He listened to exactly what I wanted and did not once push on me anything else. He explained the procedure fully. Photos were taken before & after. The entire process from start to now has been as smooth as it could have been considering this is after all surgery. I was looked after and did not once feel anxious. My healing has been good. No infections. I’m still healing and seen Mr Alfie for my 12week post op review. He was lovely and attentive and gave me all the advise I needed. He was very pleased with my progress and explained what he did and showed photos of what was removed. I do not once have any regrets on the surgery. My choice not to have implants and my choice of surgeon. I’m very excited to see the final results but I’m already loving that I no longer have to mould my breast shape and now wearing cute little bralets with no wire. I wouldn’t hesitate approaching Mr Alfie should I want any more cosmetic surgery and couldn’t recommend him enough. If your lucky enough to have him as your surgeon rest assured your in very safe hands.

Written by a private patient at The Manor Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
30th November 2021

I was first seen in the Nottingham clinic back in August , I was to gain knowledge in them consultation that was given by 2 consultants , that I also had previously heard off and seen there stories on line, I had spoken to others patients that had the same surgery as I wanted myself breast reduction, with losing so much weight they were giving me back problems , my posture wasn’t good and the breast were hanging down to much for me to carry , mr Alfie was so professional in all areas , he had ask me many questions that reassured my decision to go forward , he asked myself what size I would like to gain from surgery and I asked for his professional Opinion with what he Suggested I was happy to finally find the consultant that I was happy enough to do my procedure and I felt at ease with , I payed for my deposit and then had phone calls every week from my adviser , in November i had my breast reduction with mr Alfie and lI feel as though Iv not had surgery I’m so well in myself my breast are perfect in every way he came to see me the day after surgery to show me my new improved breast and I couldn’t thank him enough they are so uplifted and perfect , the aftercare has been amazing , I’m having my dressings changed every week and can’t contain my emotional state off how it’s all gone so smoothly I would definitely recommend mr Alfie on his profession and the standard off care I reviewed from start to finish

Written by a private patient at Harley Health Village
25th November 2021

From the first consultation through to surgery and post op. Mr Hazam Alfie fully explained everything and results I should expect after surgery etc. results are better then I expected and even surgeon commented how good the result was. Having full abdominoplasty, has given me my life back after extreme weight loss I hated my body with excess skin. Highly recommend Mr Alfie, and his team

Written by a private patient at Dolan Park
17th November 2021

Open Rhinoplasty and Upper Blepharoplasty I had always hated my bulbous nose ever since a child, but hated it much more after two NHS procedures (septoplasty for deviated septum and polyps removal) left it even more unsightly; in fact my nose had collapsed and had an obvious dent underneath the dorsal hump. At Transfrom, I was offered a choice of three surgeons. I chose Mr Alfie for two reasons, specialism in revision and reconstructive rhinoplasty and his profile testified to world-leading research and innovation in plastic surgery alongside esteemed board certifications and credentials. As an academic, I know that the latter guarantees rigour and standards. During my consultation with Mr Alfie in Nottingham (I live in north Wales and was more than happy to travel the 8 hours round trip), Mr Alfie listened attentively and with deep understanding to my concerns and then proceeded to give me a thorough examination before reporting what could and could not be done. It was no surprise to being told that I had a complex nose that would require a rib graft. I was also informed that I have very thick skin which presents multiple challenges and limitations to a surgeon. My expectations perfectly managed, risks and recovery explained in clear and honest fashion, my mind was made up to have the surgery by a top surgeon who cares, understands, and values your perspectives and whereby you feel you are co-constructing and co-designing your desired yet realistic outcomes. I had no qualms in organising an independent CT scan before my surgery for Mr Alfie. Mr Alfie gained my complete trust from this point forward. On the day of surgery, I was literally skipping to the hospital, I had no concerns nor questions and was very reassured by everything. I was met on the ward by Mr Alfie and the anaesthetist before the operating theatre descended to take me up to theatre, they had an amazing vibe, all worked well together. It was observable that Mr Alfie was highly respected by all the staff and that a special professional camaraderie existed between them. I had an uneventful recovery and was discharged the next day with everything I needed to recover. The ward staff at the hospital were delightful, happy, engaging, and attentive from the moment I arrived: I remember the names of all 7 who looked after me and left the hospital feeling that I had gained new friends – they were so brilliant. I chose to see Mr Alfie at the Birmingham clinic this time for my post-operative consultation.The stiches came out, dressings and cast came off. I could not take in what I was seeing in the mirror, ASTOUNDING results, moved to tears and I was stammering in between moments of staring in the mirror in total disbelief. Dorsal hump removed, I have a beautiful, sleek, and slender dorsum and a narrow and gorgeous tip. My eyes are no longer covered by a heavy excess of eyelid hood weighing them down and limiting my field of vision. The scars are skilfully hidden in my natural crease lines and are healing at an incredible rate hardly noticeable even at this early stage of recovery. My eyes didn’t look this good in my teens nor early twenties. Being only a month post-surgery, all is still swollen with final result of the nose expected in 9-12 months’ time. Recovery was quick, and I didn’t bruise much at all. The rib excision scar is healing incredibly well too. I’m seeing daily continued daily improvements. The unsolicited compliments I receive from colleagues and friends are lovely and helping me to adjust to a life with a gorgeous nose that’s all mine! I feel so fortuitous to have benefited from Mr Alfie’s vision, skills and personal care and only regret not having these procedures done sooner. He has undone decades of feeling ashamed of an ugly nose and has delt with me with such positivity and respectable sensitivity. Diolch/ Thank you Mr Aflie

Written by a private patient at The London Welbeck Hospital
20th October 2021

Mr Alfie was wonderful and put me totally at ease from the first consultation via video call through to surgery and post op appointments. He fully explained my procedure and what results I should expect and also ascertained what my expectations were. After surgery I can honestly say I'm so happy with the results and his care, he is a very talented plastic surgeon.


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Specialises in

  • Plastic surgery


Consultant Plastic and Breast Reconstruction