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Written by a NHS patient
13th February 2024

My operation (robotic surgery) was undertaken by Mr Irshad Shaikh and his team on the afternoon of 10th May 2023. Once in the operating theatre where given anaesthetic, it felt like only a few seconds until I was unconscious. In the evening, I came round in a bed in the ward. Not very with it, but I do remember that I was expecting to feel more pain, but there was little. Being able to administer pain killer as required was straightforward (although once given an extra dose by a physiotherapist by mistake, who pressed the dispenser button in error, but no harm done). Staff were excellent throughout. The intention was to be discharged within 48 h but this ran on into Saturday (mainly as no one at home to help look after me on Friday). On Saturday morning (when definitely feeling well enough & wanting to leave) departure was in the afternoon due to delays completing discharge papers, simply due to the volume of work being dealt with by the doctors/consultants and nurses at the time. I was picked-up by a friend and driven home on Saturday afternoon. Nearby friends were on hand (a phone call away) Saturday onwards (in case an emergency lift was required to hospital). Sunday morning a friend came round and cooked lunch and dinner, and I was gingerly able to walk about (including up and down stairs). Friends did shopping for me for the first 2 weeks or so, subsequently I quickly became more mobile (out for regular short walks and taken shopping). I was able to drive to my Mum’s house (a distance of 134 miles) at the end of July. Thus overall, my experience was very positive and I felt at ease with Mr Shaikh. I was surprised at how rapidly I became relatively fit again and the speed at which my wounds healed (only a minor problem with one incision that oozed a little; given a 1-week dose of antibiotics by GP and healed up within a few days).
