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Written by a NHS patient at William Harvey Hospital
27th May 2022

Such a caring lovely lady and a exceptional top surgeon, your new t a number your treated as her patient she takes time to listen to you and reassures your concerns if you have any, I would highly recommend Ms Codruta Neumann, very efficient and professional

Written by a NHS patient at William Harvey Hospital
27th May 2022

She was focused on listening to my daughter and her thoughts on a difficult, unusual presentation which we have been struggling with. Today was the first time my daughter felt understood.

Written by a NHS patient at William Harvey Hospital
24th April 2022

When I first met Ms Neumann in 2018, I confess that I had been pretty nervous about having a stapedectomy done on both ears. Doctors had mentioned the possibility as long ago as 2001 but I'd always put it off, preferring the hassle of hearing aids to the possible risks of operations going wrong. Both Ms Neuman and Mr Wasson (who carried out the second operation) were extremely professional, explaining the risks to me but also keeping me focused on the possible benefits - so that in each case, with both ears, I was happy to go ahead. I felt supported and had full trust that these individuals are at the very top of their profession and that therefore I was giving myself the best chance of success. In the event, both operations went very well. My hearing has seen a 40 db improvement in my right ear. Things are not quite so perfect in my left ear but this is due to the fact that the otosclerosis is further advanced in that ear - possibly because I left it a bit too long... Many many thanks to both surgeons for your skill. I would encourage anyone thinking about similar operations to go ahead. You'll be in good hands.

Written by a NHS patient at William Harvey Hospital
10th February 2022

Following spasmodic care, I was referred to MS Neumann and she quickly diagnosed the problem. Her explanations were very clear and reassuring offering a detailed plan for the way forward. Ultimately this resulted in an operation to remove my cholesteatoma although this was a little delayed due to covid. The care and explanations on the day of my operation were exemplary and the operation was a success. My follow up care has also been of a high quality; Ms Neumann has shown great empathy and understanding throughout my time under her care and I can't speak highly enough of her as a consultant and surgeon.

Written by a NHS patient at William Harvey Hospital
10th February 2022

Very knowledgeable, left with a better understanding, felt like they knew what they was on about, but patient care seemed lacking in the beginning, wasn't feeling comfortable but by the end was better.


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After completing my basic surgical training on the South Coast, I have dedicated some time to research in ENT. For a year I worked in the world renowned Sanger Institute in Cambridge, studying the genetics of age related hearing loss. I was then selected for Higher Specialist Training in Ear Nose and Throat Surgery in the East of England Rotation. This included training at prestigious university teaching hospitals such as Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. Through competitive entry I have been awarded the Cambridge Otology Fellowship. This is where I completed my sub-speciality training in complex otology (ear surgery), ear implantation (cochlear implants and other hearing implants) and balance disorders. I hold a Master of Science degree in Evidence Based Medicine and Health Technology Assessment.

I was appointed as an ENT Consultant with the East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust in Feb 2014 and I am now running a busy ENT general practice for children and adults, as well as a specialist practice for ear disorders and balance.

Since my appointment as a Consultant I continued to develop my expertise by visiting international centres of ENT excellence and maintaining close links with experts in the field, for example Prof Daniele Marchioni, in Verona, Italy and Prof John Dornhoffer in Arkansas, USA. I hold an Honorary Consultant appointment with the Southend Hospital where I perform complex reconstructive ear surgery alongside and train another Otology Consultant colleague.
I am passionate about teaching the new generation of surgeons and have been invited to join the faculty of ENT Masterclass, an organisation delivering ENT training for senior trainees and junior consultants in the UK and internationally. Click here for more information: I also teach in the Advanced Cambridge Otology course (practical complex ear surgery course) and the Temporal Bone Dissection courses in Cambridge, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in London.I am a founding member of the Anglo-Romanian Ear Surgery Course, held annually in Cluj, Romania, where I train ENT surgeons though hands on dissection and live surgery.

ENT UK, the professional body of Ear Nose and Throat Surgeons in the UK, has awarded me the International Otology Travelling Fellowship for 2018 as recognition to the high quality service provided to my patients and my dedication to improvement of my surgical skills. This enabled me to spend two weeks with Prof Erwin Offeciers and his world renowned team of ear surgeons in Antwerp, Belgium, learning a novel technique for reconstructive ear surgery.

I am committed to ensuring that my patients get the best treatment available, supported by the latest research in the field. I am an active researcher and for my work I won the Xomed-Treace prize and a pump priming grant with the Otorhinolaryngology Research Society. I have run a trial for transtympanic steroid injections (injections through the ear drum) for Meniere’s disease patients. I currently run studies for necrotising otitis externa and sudden sensorineural hearing loss.