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Written by a private patient
24th September 2021

When I ruptured my ACL (just one day before the kids went back to school after a long and painful winter lockdown) I was thrown into despair. That was the rest of the year written off - no getting out on my bike, no getting back into the gym... no escaping the house! Having suffered a complex meniscus tear in the same knee for some years, and realising how much worse this was, I knew how debilitating it would be. But clearly I didn't know what magic Mr Trikha could do. A phone conversation, the necessary scans and a consult and I had my surgery booked in within three weeks of the accident. I was given options for the non-surgical route too, but came to the conclusion that surgery was the best path for me. The surgery went beautifully, with no complications. Mr Trikha was available to answer any and all of my questions and I felt like I was in extremely competent hands. Within a few hours of surgery I was already climbing a set of stairs! I had seen some ACL scars and was concerned about how they might look, but mine are miniscule. The pain was awful - I had been warned it would be, but a week after surgery I was able to stop the heavy meds and drop down to just routine paracetamol. I worked hard at my rehab with a physio Mr Trikha recommended, iced religiously and I was determined - and just ONE month later, I was back on my bike! I couldn't believe it! For very flat, slow and short rides, but back on my bike! I cannot tell you how good that made me feel. Long story short - my knee, the rest of my year, and my sanity was saved by Mr Trikha! I was back to big bike rides, big work outs at the gym, went camping, even hit a couple of tennis balls about with the kids (hoping to work up to even more in the new year). I have tiny scars no one would see, only have a little swelling occasionally when I overdo it, but no pain whatsoever and actually, my knee hasn't felt this good in years. I heartily recommend Mr Trikha for whatever surgery you have planned.
