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Written by a patient at King George Hospital
6th May 2019

Most lovely and caring doctor, and his nurse is amazing too!

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
2nd April 2019

Mr Mathew is absolutely excellent, in terms of both skill and his approach. He is thorough, compassionate, patient, understanding and goes above and beyond. I broke my hand in December and needed to have an operation. Mr Mathew did all he could to ensure I was treated with urgency and that I had the very best care and treatment. My case was not completely straight forward, due to some other medical issues, but he listened to me and explained my options carefully and clearly, continually doing as much to help and advise me as he possibly could. He is a very neat surgeon and I have only minimal scarring. His aftercare was terrific and he ensured a planned and correct level of aftercare support was there for me. I trust Mr Mathew and in general, he is one of the very best Consultants I have ever been lucky enough to have treat me. I am so thankful to Mr Mathew, for helping me at a time I grately needed it. He listened to me and cared about my situation, as an individual case and as an individual person sat in front of him. Everything he did for me was utterly superb. Mr Mathew is an amazing Consultant and I could not have asked for anyone better. He 100% gives great care.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
18th March 2019

Mr. Mathew took great care to explain all the options open to me for the relief of the pain from arthritis in my left thumb and wrist. The surgery was very successful and the scars on my hand are virtually invisible. The pain from the arthritis has gone. I am still only seven weeks from the operation and working with the physiotherapist to return to full movement. Mr Mathew has warned me to be careful for another six weeks (before performing a full golf swing!), he has a charming manner and is very easy to talk to. I would highly recommend him to anyone with hand and wrist problems.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
3rd February 2019

I have had my fair share of bad experiences with doctors but I am very happy to say that Mr. Philip Mathew stands miles apart from the rest. He has given me a spark of hope that not all Health Professionals are as bad as I have always experienced. In the spring of 2018, I had injured my finger and it had healed perfectly, so I thought nothing of it. However, my finger continued to be painful although it had healed with a perfect scar. I therefore went to King George Hospital A&E. There, foreign bodies were identified within my finger. Specifically, fragments of glass healed inside my finger with micro fragments within the joint, in addition to a couple of shards of glass through my tendon. My finger also drooped and behaved like mallet finger. I was told I would have to have surgery and that maybe my finger would never be straight again. As you might imagine I was terrified, not only because I had to have a surgery (as I had previous bad experiences) but also because I play music and the little fingers play a very important role. Thereafter, I was referred to Queens Hospital for the surgery. At this point I was further horrified - as they have had a lot of bad publicity in general but also for surgery. I had no choice of course of whom to be referred to, so when the day came, I turned up for my first appointment. Understandably I was very anxious. Whilst there I asked the other patients if they were seeing Mr Philip Mathew. Some of course said yes so I politely asked for more information. To my surprise, everyone was happy to share their stories and further still, highly recommend Mr. Mathew. I started feeling a little more at ease but of course, I had not yet seen him. When I finally met Mr Philip Mathew I saw for myself that what I was told by the other patients was true. He was kind, polite and he listened, he treated me as a human being and not just another number, as most health professionals do - and this is a common belief among patients. He explained the pros and cons of having the surgery and I could see that not only did he know what he was talking about but that he has a passion for what he does. He was calm, positive and this further reassured me that I was in good hands, so the surgery went ahead as planned. I would like to say a HUGE "Thank You!" for a perfectly done surgery. I know that it was only my little finger but to me it is very important for it to be perfectly functional as I play music. Many of your patients say that you are a great surgeon but I say that you are not only a great surgeon but also a great human being. You do not only operate for the sake of operating - you care about your patients and you take pride in your work. These are indeed very rare qualities in doctors and surgeons alike. I would also like to say HUGE "Thank You!" to your surgical team. As the saying goes, a team is only as good as the person who leads them. I am very grateful and count myself very lucky that my surgeon was Mr Philip Mathew. He is an excellent surgeon. Wishing you all the very best, CM Georgiou

Written by a patient at Spire London East Hospital
3rd October 2018

I was diagnosed with arthritis at the base of my thumb two years ago and the pain became increasingly worse. I was given an injection to help control the pain which even though was the most painful thing I had ever experinced it did help for about six months. I was recommeded to see Mr Philip Mathew and from the first consultation he explained all the options availabile to me including a procedure called Trapeziectomy with Tightrope. He did not push surgery on me and paitently allowed me to discuss all my concerns with care and understanding, as at that point i was still very unsure. However after the pain became so severve that i was unable to perform even every day tasks I decided to go ahead with the surgery. I am now 7 weeks post op and the pain has completely disappeared. My thumb is still stiff but with the help of a very skilled hand therapist i am gaining more and more movement. I am aware that my full recovery depends on my ability to maintain my physio, however right now we are all very happy with my progress. I would like to highly recommed Mr Philip Mathew as he showed me compasion and understanding and ultimately I am now pain free and can go about my life. Thank you Mr Mathew Kindest Regrards Voulla Georgiou


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I currently work at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and specialise in Hand and Wrist surgery. I am passionate about my work and want to deliver Great care for all my patients.

I previously worked at Barking Havering Redbridge NHS Trust as Consultant Hand and Wrist Surgeon

I did my Orthopaedic Specialty Training on the Percival Pott Rotation in London and have had a global exposure to hand surgery from fellowships in the USA, India, Spain and France:

1. AO trauma fellowship - Indiana Hand to Shoulder centre, USA

2. Bruce Bailey fellowship in Microsurgery (British Society for Surgery of the Hand)- Ganga Hospital, India

3. Visting Hand Surgery Fellowship- Institut Kaplan with Dr Marc Garcia-Elias, Barcelona

4. Visiting Hand Surgery Fellowship- Institut de la Main- Prof. Mathoulin, Paris

5. One Year Hand Surgery Fellowship, Pulvertaft hand Centre, Derby

MBBS MRCS FRCS(Orth) BSSH postgraduate Diploma in Hand Surgery
Hon Senior Lecturer Queen Mary's University, London.