Miss Rachel Holt was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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19th January 2020

Rachel was wonderful to work with over the period of my surgery. She was very professional and helpful with any questions and queries I had, and she was always accessible over email if I ever needed any reassurance. Rachel was the best person I could have chosen to operate on me for my breast reduction and I am now 7 weeks post-op with results that I am amazed with. I would 100% recommend her to anyone that needed a breast reduction or anything similar!

Written by a patient at Wythenshawe Hospital
13th October 2019

Well if you are reading this then I would say don't worry anymore, you have found an excellent and highly skilled surgeon. Once you have seen Rachael you will immediately feel a huge relief that she willl know exactly what is best for you and you no longer need to deliberate ( and endlessly goggle!). I had a delayed diep and have to say that you can hardly tell that it isn't my original breast. It is the same shape exactly with a nipple. Plus I have for the first time in my life a lovely flat tummy. So thank you Rachael, you have been incredible and I am delighted with everything. Don't hesitate - Rachael is the one.

9th September 2019

After many years of deliberation "should I, shouldn't I" have a tummy tuck, at the ripe old age of 59 I went to see Mrs Rachel Holt. What a wonderfully, pleasant, knowledgeable lady she is, and immediately put me at ease, explaining the procedure and how she could help me. It took less than a week to book my appointment with Rachel as I was so happy with how she treated me during the consultation, that I could not wait to get the operation arranged, and before I knew it, I was in my bed at the Alex and Rachel was visiting me to mark up the operation and again explain the procedures to me. The day after the operation she came to see me again and informed me of how well the operation had gone and for me to arrange a follow up appointment in two weeks, which I did. Prior to the two week appointment I started to panic about my scar not healing and emailed her late at night, not actually expecting a return email until the following day, and maybe from her Secretary, not Rachel herself, but she emailed back immediately, asking for pictures of what I was concerned about and then emailed again to clarify that all was good but that I was welcome to go in the next day and see her, no waiting for appointments, she just told me when she was in and that I could call to put my mind at rest, which I did and everything was ok and healing perfectly. Since then I have seen Rachel for another follow up and once again she answered any questions I had and made further appointments. She really does have a lovely manner and immediately puts you at ease and that you are the only person she is concerned with. I can most certainly recommend the before and after care with Rachel and only wish that I had met her many years previously and had the operation then, because it has boosted my confidence and exceeded my expectations. Thank you Rachel.

Written by a patient at Wythenshawe Hospital
11th August 2019

I’m not sure where to start with the praise I have for this lady. It is because of people like Rachel Holt and her expertise, caring, understanding, patience and Down to Earth way that she is able too, and does provide the best care for anyone going through a hard time in their lives similar to myself. On 20th June 2019 I had a single mastectomy with immediate Diep reconstruction, I had already undergone a Therapeutic Mammoplasty in Dec 2018 however clear margins were not achieved. I then had a re-excision but again, no clear margin. I then went onto 6 months of chemo and during this time, and after losing the trust in my surgeon at my local hospital I went to Wythenshawe Hospital which is a 3 hour drive from my home. I met Rachel Holt and was immediately impressed, she examined me to make sure I was suitable for the Diep and explained it in detail, showed me photos of her previous work etc. I then finished my chemo and six weeks later went to Wythenshawe for pre-op, CT angiogram before the op. I had a concern with my CT scan and Rachel actually rang me HERSELF to go through it and explain things - i’ve never known a surgeon phone you themselves. I always work to the rule “Do what you say you are going to do” and never leave anyone left hanging - it is clear Rachel also works to this rule aswell. On the morning of the Op, Rachel met me and went through the consents and marked me up etc and I then went to Theatre. The next morning Rachel came to see me and said it had all gone really well, she also came to see me the morning I went home (4 nights in hospital). I cannot believe how well I have healed and what I look like, the scar on my tummy is very neat, my new belly boob is very rounded, the skin from my stomach where my nipple was is very neat. If anyone is reading this and is unsure about this procedure or not sure which surgeon they should go for (if you have a choice) then look no further, Rachel is absolutely fantastic at what she does. I feel like I am really being looked after and I cannot thank her enough - a further 7cm of the horrid disease was removed with my breast tissue and I feel like I’ve been given a chance to really live my life with my 2 young children. We all have to find an inner strength to keep going, when you get knock back after knock back you can feel like it’s all a bit hopeless. I can’t believe it, I am now waiting to discuss nipples etc with Rachel at my 12 week appointment. I truly feel like I struck gold when I was fortunate enough to have Rachel as my surgeon, she is super efficient, very professional but at the same time she is bubbly, smiley, glamorous and is so so easy to talk too! Thank you Rachel

Written by a patient at Wythenshawe Hospital
7th August 2019

What can I say about Rachel, she is truly amazing. She really has give me my life back. After being diagnosed in 2013 and having a mastectomy & reconstruction, 6 years on my implant needed to be removed. This was performed back in January by another surgeon and it left me feeling terrible. I felt so uncomfortable, my confidence was so low and to top it off my wedding was 12 months away and the thought of feeling this low on my wedding day made me want to cancel the day. Having being referred to Rachel I still thought I would never feel confident in my body again. I met with Rachel to discuss a DIEP procedure, in that consultation Rachel requested I have a genetics test done as looking at my notes she wasn't happy that I was so young at diagnosis (28). I decided I would get the test done and it turned out I did have a gene that meant It was highly likely I would get breast cancer again. Rachel explained to me that I could have my Left delayed reconstruction but could have my right risk reducing surgery done at the same time. I've now had this done and I cant thank Rachel enough, not only for how wonderful I look and feel now but for recommending I have the test done. My care has been second to none and I honestly don't have enough words to thank Rachel and her team. I am now feeling confident and excited for what my future holds and that's all down to this wonderful lady.


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