Dr Wolfgang Muller was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
4th April 2023

Dr Muller has been our paediatrician for 2 years now, taking over the care of our children at a particularly trying time for our family; and in these 2 years we have had reason to see him 20+ times. We find him to be a standout doctor – his passion for paediatrics; his integrity, ethics and professionalism; and his unrelenting focus on the needs and best interest of his patients. Of particular value to our family are the following: 1. He is an exceptional physician, with a depth and breadth that is rare. No matter how complex the issue – and we have had what feels like more than our fair share - he always explains things in a way that is straightforward, clear and designed to give parents the information they need in a way that is not overwhelming – often doing specific research to be able to explain the clinical significance of unusual findings. He does not hesitate to refer to a paediatric specialist if necessary, but is always incredibly thoughtful about establishing a genuine need to do so - and often first sounds out colleagues for your benefit. 2. The needs and best interests of the child are always uppermost, whether it's his threshold for ordering investigations (even a simple blood test) or for prescribing antibiotics. He often says "just because we are in the private sector and can easily order investigations does not mean we should, I will always advocate for the best interests of the child....". And we have observed him doing so countless times; the integrity and ethics of this approach matters enormously to us. 3. The fact he found a way, as difficult as it was, to see acutely ill children in person during the pandemic was incredibly important to us as a family, and speaks volumes about the kind of doctor he is. The landing page of his website features a quote from Mandela “there can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children” and that ethos shines through in every aspect of how he practises medicine. 4. He is as focused and experienced on being able to help in times of illness, as on promoting not only a child's physical and mental wellness but that of their family (e.g. with his structured health screen appointments, and by expanding on the broader "so what" for parents of particular blood test results). 5. No other doctor has such a modern, fuss-free and agile approach to access and communications - straightforward, geared towards patients with different needs, brilliant use of technology and harnessing all the benefits of remote medicine whilst being clear about the need (and available) for in person consultations, plus an informative website kept meticulously up to date. 6. Our experience has always been of someone who is very human, kind, considerate, warm, has a brilliant way with children, and mindful of the backdrop for your family (if you have particular stresses for example). He inspires confidence and trust, listens carefully to what you say, engages directly with the child forming a wonderful connection, and never makes you feel like a burden - no matter how trivial your concern may actually turn out to be. There is nothing we can’t talk to him about - and whatever the issue he always extends us the same level of care, attention and kindness. 7. Particularly admirable in a doctor of his standing is the extent of his commitment to the NHS, however challenging the backdrop. As someone who sits on both NHS and private healthcare Boards, I find this – and his lack of ego – an incredible breath of fresh air in a world that has gone so topsy turvy. We feel very fortunate to have Dr Muller as our family's paediatrician. Thank you! N&A

Written by a NHS patient at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
4th April 2023

My 16 year old daughter was seen by Dr Muller Very reassuring for both of us, but in particular my daughter who said she felt much happier and less worried after speaking with him. Very good rapport and communication and accurate diagnosis.

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
4th April 2023

I took my 13 year old son to see Dr Muller last week. He had been having some symptoms that I was really worried about. Dr Muller was very thorough, was great with my son, really spent time with him and talked to him. He immediately put us at ease. My son had lots of tests on the Friday by Monday morning Dr Muller had already messaged me to say nothing worrisome had been detected, by lunchtime I had a full report. Speed and Communication for me are the two main things I need when there is an issue with my son and both of those were totally met, I appreciate not having to worry for days awaiting results etc…. Dr Muller will 100% be my go to now with my son! Thank you!

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
3rd April 2023

Very sensible and practical, great with kids.

Written by a NHS patient at Northwick Park Hospital
31st March 2023

My daughter and i had an amazing doctor consultation with Dr. Muller. First, he listened to me and answered my questions, and he gave amazing suggestions. Second, he is very friendly, Third, he explains the situation in real life with good examples. He knows what he is doing and he is trying to give the best advice to everyone.


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I am a Consultant Paediatrician at London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust (Stanmore). I work as a Specialist in Paediatrics. I have completed my medical training in Germany and the United Kingdom. I studied at Germany 's oldest Medical School in Homburg (Saarland) and spend as a student a year on exchange in England  (Exeter and Newcastle) as well as India (Shimla). I qualified in 1992 with top grades. I completed my postgraduate specialist training in London at Hammersmith Hospital in Neonatology, Great Ormond Street Hospital in Intensive Care and Respiratory Medicine, Royal London Hospital in Respiratory and General Medicine and at Northwick Park and Hillingdon Hospital in General, Newborn and Community Paediatrics. I continued two years of research at Great Ormond Street Hospital on respiratory conditions in intensive care settings. I started as a  consultant in 2003 at London North West Hospital Trust and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust. 

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