
Dr Subramaniam Ramakrishnan

290 reviews

Dr Subramaniam Ramakrishnan was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
22nd April 2024

I would just like to thank Dr Ramakrishnan for the way he dealt with me in a totally professional manner over a period of 3 - 4 months, of which was a very worrying time for myself and my family . Being a typical man, the aches and pains I had in my abdomen was put down to something I had eaten , stress or one too many beers over the weekend. But deep down I knew I had to see a doctor as the pains were not going away and I spent too long on Dr Google trying to self diagnose what was wrong with me. I got an emergency appointment with my Doctors. The Doctor felt my stomach and said she couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary , gave me a months supply of antacids and sent me on my way. Not surprisingly, the tablet's didn't work, which led me to seek someone that specialised in gastroenterology and this is where I found Dr Ramakrishnan who came highly recommended at the Spire Cheshire Hospital. I managed to get an appointment within days of making the initial contact and from the moment I met him, I knew he was on a different level to my own doctors and obviously a specialist in his field of medicine. Following an examination and a full length conversation regarding my symptoms he immediately booked me in for a CT scan, which was carried out within days of seeing him. I returned to see him for my results and after a further consultation he wanted to carry out a further investigation to determine the exact cause of my issues as he was not satisfied that the CT scan was conclusive enough for him to be satisfied with a firm diagnoses at this stage. I was booked in to have endoscopy and despite my fears, he assured me he would manage my fear with sedation which went a long way to relax me. On the day of the procedure , I could not fault how I was treated and looked after by Dr Ramakrishnan and his team throughout the day and a follow up appointment was made , again within a very short space of time to find out the result as biopsies were taken. To my relief, all the biopsies were clear with no underlaying issues other than some angry looking ulcers. I was prescribed medication to clear up the ulcers and Dr Ramakrishnan took a great deal of time to explain what foods and drinks I need to avoid during my treatment. A further endoscopy was booked for 9 weeks later so he could see the how the healing process was going and again I was treated with great care and professionalism by Dr Ramakrishnan and his team. I was delighted to find out my ulcers had fully healed and further biopsies taken at the time were again clear , with no other issues found. In closing , I can not recommend Dr Ramakrishnan highly enough for everything he did for me and way in which he made me feel throughout my time under his consultation. I knew from the moment I met him that I was being looked after by someone that was caring and treated me with extreme professionalism from day one. I hope this goes along way to others in the same position I was in and I hope this will encourage others to seek help instead of hoping the symptoms will go away on their own.

Written by a private patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
21st April 2024

Dr Ram is wonderful, caring, thorough and incredibly professional. Highly recommend

Written by a private patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
16th April 2024

He actively listened to my account of my symptoms. He provided reassurance to me at every stage at getting to the root of my problem. He provided a detailed explanation and purpose of all proposed investigations. He provided photographic/ diagrams to explain the results of investigations and explained his reports word by word and gave me the opportunity to ask questions. He provided treatment options and lifestyle advice. he was an excellent communicator and was kind and compassionate throughout.

Written by a private patient at Warrington Hospital
3rd April 2024

Excellent care from Dr. Ramakrishnan who came highly recommended, a view I wholly endorse. He took time to investigate the symptoms I described and was very easy to talk with. A scan was promptly arranged, followed by a diagnostic gastroscopy with sedation. No time wasted, no stress and no side effects from the investigation other than a slightly sore throat.

Written by a private patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
3rd April 2024

Having suffered problems with swallowing food for some time I was referred to Dr. Ramakrishnan once severe conditions were ruled out. From first meeting Dr. Ram he has been kind, understanding, knowledgeable and once my condition was diagnosed he has been thorough in explaining all the options available to me for long term management. I am not good with needles and was therefore not an easy patient when having procedures but Dr. Ram was incredibly understanding and I cannot thank him enough for the care and compassion he has shown to me. I would not hesitate to recommend him as a consultant - he is a credit to his profession.


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Specialises in

  • Gastroenterology
  • Internal (General) Medicine


After my basic qualification I have completed more than 15 years of practice in the field of Gastroenterology and General medicine covering all aspects of this specialty.

I have been practising as a Consultant Gastroenterologist since 2007 and have a specialist interest in all aspects of endoscopy, gastroenterology, liver and pancreatic disease.

I have a keen interest in service development, teaching and training.

As endoscopy lead I established a brand new three room endoscopy unit at Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and led the team to achieve national accreditation (JAG) in 2009. I am now the lead for the Endoscopy Unit at Spire Cheshire Hospital and In this role led the team in this hospital to achieve national accreditation (JAG) in 2016.

I have been the lead for Advancing Quality programme (AQuA) for the Trust and have participated actively in achieving a high quality of care across both medical and surgical divisions of the hospital.

As the joint lead for management of alcohol related liver disease for the AQuA programme I have streamlined guidelines for evidence based high quality management of this condition.

I teach all levels of trainees nurses and colleagues to update them of recent advances and techniques.

I am currently the lead for research in Gastroenterology for the Trust and we are actively recruiting to several NIHR clinical trials and have started recruiting in commercial trials.

As a keen family man, I enjoy my spare time interacting with children and travelling as much as possible. I also enjoy many sports, particularly cricket.

I pride myself in being very open with patients and am keen to promote a patient centred approach to managing their illnesses.


Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP, Capsule Endoscopy


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)
Ulcerative Colitis/ Crohn's disease
Celiac Disease
Liver problems
Alcohol related problems
Cancer of gullet, stomach, bowel, pancreas and liver

Investigations for:

Heartburn, Indigestion, Bloating
Constipation, Diarrhoea
Bleeding from back passage/stomach/bowel