Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
29th August 2023

I started assessment for Adult ADHD with Dr Iqbal in April '23. He was approachable, kind and always open to my concerns. Even though I have a tendency to give too much detail, and often end up off topic (ADHD is what it is...), Dr Iqbal was patient and I never felt rushed. After several follow up appointments (often at weekends), we have completed titration of appropriate medication. As of August '23, my GP has now completed a Shared Care Agreement, so my ongoing medication will be provided by the NHS. This is the best recommendation I have for Dr Iqbal: he is both a good doctor and his peers in the NHS clearly feel he does a great job as well, otherwise they would not have agreed to take on my continued care. I look forward to continuing to work with Dr Iqbal for my check ups and ongoing care: to others I say get in touch with him if you also want great care!

9th September 2023
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Thank you very much for your kind and helpful feedback and recommendation. This is much appreciated. It was a pleasure to have assessed and treated you for Adult ADHD. I am glad you had a positive experience and made a good recovery with medication. I wish you all the very best for the future and your continued recovery. I look forward to continuing to work with you and monitoring your progress.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
17th August 2023

Wonderful service really great people to work with. Very caring, considerate and professional. I find myself being able to be open and honest without being judged. Prompt, efficient great service. I have received a life changing diagnosis with excellent care and support.

5th September 2023
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback, which is much appreciated. It has been a pleasure to have assessed, diagnosed and treated you. We are glad you had a positive experience with us. We wish you all the very best for the future and your continued recovery.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
15th August 2023

Went to Dr Iqbal after my NHS GP referred me to my local service and then I found out the 2-3 year waitlist just to be assessed, Dr Iqbal and Pam have been so professional and caring throughout. I did a lot of research on finding someone to assess me for ADHD and naturally was worried about being scammed but with Iampsyciatry responses have always been quick, thorough and informative. My only regret was not doing this sooner! Dr Iqbal and Pam really do care about patients - the reviews should speak for themselves! My life has changed so significantly as has my health (for the better!). I've changed my diet, taking my medication as prescribed and really looking at my mental health and physical wellbeing as priorities rather than an after thought. One final thing I would say, I've ALWAYS felt like an outcast (in my own family, felt like a pretender with my social group, felt like an outsider to myself at times) and I've done so many things that I'm ashamed of but despite me letting all of that out in my first review with Dr Iqbal, not once did I feel judged. Actually, the opposite - I felt understood but also encouraged to tell "my story" and I am so glad I did, but more so I'm so grateful there are people like Dr Iqbal and Pam who WANT to help people. Thank you Dr Iqbal and thank you Pam.

5th September 2023
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Thank you so much for your kind, helpful and constructive feedback. This is much appreciated. We are glad you chose IamPsychiatry and had a positive experience of recovery with us. It has been a pleasure assessing, diagnosing and treating you for Adult ADHD. It is wonderful that your life and health have significantly changed for the better. We wish you all the very best for the future and your continued recovery. We would be happy to help you again when needed.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
23rd July 2023

I felt really valued during my recent experience with Dr Mohiuddin. He made me feel very safe, listened to, and helped me to shed a new light on the work that I have been doing while living with anxiety and depression. He made me feel a lot more "normal" and helped me to recognise the progress I have made with my conditions, despite often not feeling like it. I left the clinic with a spring in my step which was just what I needed. A genuine thanks to him.

7th August 2023
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Many thanks for your helpful and constructive review, which is much appreciated. It was a pleasure to have assessed you for anxiety and depression and reviewed your excellent progress in overcoming your difficulties. I am glad you had a positive experience. I wish you all the best for the future and your continued recovery. Please continue to have faith in yourself and your abilities.

Written by a private patient at IamPsychiatry
10th July 2023

I can only echo the sentiments found below in so much that my experience has been genuinely life changing. I decided to bite the bullet earlier this year during another long spell of depression and anxiety, a sadly familiar state for myself. I had long been researching ADHD for sometime. My initial appointment was extremely positive. Dr Mohiuddin was very friendly, kind, empathic and easy to talk to. We decided on a course of meditation and my prescription came a few days later. The process of overcoming the side effects wasn’t easy but Dr M and Pam were always very quick to respond to any questions I had. I’m now stable and I haven’t felt this good for….I don’t know how long. My anxiety and depression are virtually non-existent and I have a zest for life again. The best decision I’ve ever made and the best money I’ve ever spent. I really cannot thank you enough and I highly recommend anyone struggling with ADHD to consider speaking with Dr M.

7th August 2023
Response from Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

Thank you very much for your kind and helpful review and recommendation. We appreciate this very much. It was a pleasure to have assessed and treated you for Adult ADHD. I am glad that you have had a positive experience and have a zest for life again. I wish you all the very best for your continued recovery and a happier future


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Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin has been a British GMC registered doctor in the UK since 1999, and an NHS Psychiatrist since 2000. He has been practising as a private Consultant Psychiatrist in General Adult Psychiatry since 2008. He has special interests in Psychotherapy, Adult ADHD, and Addiction Psychiatry. He has successfully helped and treated thousands of NHS and private patients with various mental health problems including:

- Adult ADHD
- Addictions
- Alcoholism with Home Alcohol Detoxication
- Anxiety disorders
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Psychosis

Private consultation is offered face to face, or by Online video (telemedicine) throughout the UK via Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, MS Teams, Apple FaceTime, Telephone, or email.

Dr Mohiuddin is fully indemnified for private medical and psychiatric practice. He has been a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) since 2009. He has been a Graduate member of the Human Givens Institute (GHGI) since 2006. He has been on the GMC Specialist Register for General Psychiatry since 2013. He has been an Approved Clinician (AC) under the Mental Health Act (1983) since 2009. He is passionate about mental and physical health, and your safe and timely recovery.

Call Pam on 0800 779 7800 or email Catherine at IamPsychiatryEnquiries@gmail.com to book a private consultation at your convenience. Start your recovery journey with us today.