
Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons) MBBS(Lond) FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Tr&Orth)

771 reviews

Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons) MBBS(Lond) FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Tr&Orth) was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at St Peter's Hospital
3rd April 2024

Mr Gupta has treated me for carpal tunnel release and he has been very kind, considerate and understanding, but also very succinct and efficient. My procedure went very smoothly, despite my anxiety, and he reassured me whenever the need arose. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone in need of hand surgery.

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Health Woking Hospital
3rd April 2024

Mr Gupta worked with me and my physio to help me achieve my goals whilst also making sure my shoulder healed properly. He listened to the needs of my sport and worked with me to help manage recovery and return to competition under tight timelines. He has also been very thorough with follow up, explaining what to be concerned about and what is normal and unrelated to the issues he was treating as I have other underlying health conditions. I would recommend him to everyone.

Written by a private patient at Prime Health Clinic
2nd April 2024

I have Arthritis in both my thumbs and saw Mr Gupta to try and alleviate the pain. Following MRI scans and consultations we started with a number injections in both thumbs and whilst these worked for a time they did not stop the pain. It was agreed the left one was in such a bad condition that a Trapeziectomy would be carried out. The operation was a complete success and alleviated the arthritic pain, the right one will continue to be monitored. Mr Gupta is knowledgeable and highly professional Consultant who has a very good approach with his patients and explains things in a way that is easy to understand and follow. I would highly recommend his services to anybody.

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Health Woking Hospital
27th March 2024

Mr Gupta understood my situation and how my hand injury (a fractured metarcarpal bone) affected my mobility, since I have cerebral palsy and usually use two walking poles to get around. He was very thorough and listened to my concerns. He recommended having screws and a plate so that I could regain my ability to grip and weight-bear rather than having a cast. My hand is healing well and my mobility is improving all the time thanks to his skill and this approach.

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Health Woking Hospital
26th March 2024

I was fortunately referred to Mr Gupta after a noticeable worsening of my left shoulder. Both of my shoulders have dislocated 100+ times a day for around 13 years, and despite years of ineffective physio and lacklustre investigative procedures, my shoulders were deemed structurally sound with no treatment available to reduce the dislocations. I was referred to as a lost cause and told to accept the long term prognosis of my condition, without any understanding of it. It later transpired that I have hypermobile EDS, heavily concentrated around my shoulders. The pain in my left shoulder (dominant hand) was becoming unbearable in late 2022, so I contacted my GP for some guidance. When they referred me to yet another consultant, I was skeptical and prepared myself to hear the same conclusion. How wrong I was! Mr Gupta firstly treated me with kindness and compassion, and listened to every detail of my journey meticulously. He noted every element of my treatments thus far, and built a very comprehensive understanding of me and my unpredictable, messy shoulders. I came away from the initial consultation feeling lighter and with a fresh perspective, and an appointment to have an arthrogram on each shoulder. The scans revealed some elasticity in my shoulders, giving me a greater understanding than I'd ever had before of the 'why'. Mr Gupta went above and beyond to determine the next best step, including presenting my case to other shoulder consultants. The general consensus was to continue with physio but Mr Gupta championed the idea of surgery to tighten up the capsule to give me a better starting point for post operative physio. He presented both options to me and gave me the information I needed to make a decision clearly and with complete honesty. I chose to have surgery and Mr Gupta supported this decision, which many would not have done - as had been the case many times before. I'm beyond grateful that he gave me a voice and gave me an opportunity to try a different avenue. I was never sold a glamourised or unrealistic picture of guaranteed success, which helped me to appropriately manage my expectations. Even with hope buried deep down, the outcome has wildly surpassed anything I thought possible. I'm now 8 months post surgery and the difference it has made to my life is hard to summarise. I am down from 100 dislocations a day to less than a handful a week, sometimes less frequent than that. My shoulders once dominated everything that I did. They were the main character in my story, but have now been relegated to a lesser visited narrative. I felt that I had nothing to lose when deciding to have surgery, but Mr Gupta made certain that I had everything to gain from it. In pre-op, I felt supported and trusted to make the best decision for myself. In post-op, I felt like my recovery was in the best hands. I had some unrelated setbacks during this time due to the nature of my chronic illnesses, and Mr Gupta gave me all of the tools I needed to minimise the impact on my shoulder whilst I worked on getting better. To have felt so supported whilst going through something so vastly unrelated to my shoulder was a very key tool in keeping spirits high. I'm not able to adequately express how much I appreciate, thank and recommend Mr Gupta and his wonderful secretary Tracey. No question was left unanswered, no concern was left without reassurance, and at no point did I feel dismissed or alone. I was told many times that my condition was just something to live with, but Mr Gupta challenged this and advocated for change. I had someone fighting my corner, and what a difference it made. I'm not alone in thinking this - a colleague I recommended to Mr Gupta with a different shoulder complaint was also met with the same level of care and due diligence. To maintain consistency, compassion and an outstanding level of knowledge is a rarity, but Mr Gupta does this without fail. I'm now preparing to have the same surgery on my right shoulder and feel relaxed about the procedure and post-op recovery. If you are looking for a shoulder consultant, you'll truly find no better care that Mr Gupta.


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Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons), MBBS(Lond), FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Tr&Orth), is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in Upper Limb surgery at Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Surrey since 2005. He provides NHS and private treatment for shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand complaints, both surgical and non-surgical. He considers it to be an immense privilege that he is regarded as the premier Upper Limb Specialist to consult in his part of the UK by his patients and peers alike.
He is internationally renowned for his advanced arthroscopic (keyhole surgery), upper limb trauma, and arthroplasty (joint replacement - primary and revision) skills.
His research interests are also exclusively in the upper limb. He regularly lectures and instructs on advanced surgical courses nationally and internationally, and runs a busy tertiary referral practice helping numerous colleagues with their most complex, difficult-to-treat upper limb problems, incl. revision joint replacements and complex tendon transfers around the shoulder.
He is regarded as a key opinion leader in the field of Orthopaedic upper limb surgery, at the cutting edge using the most advanced technologies and techniques both diagnostically and surgically. Hence he is also regularly invited to participate in national / international teaching masterclasses in advanced upper limb surgery.
He is very proud to be awarded the IWantGreatCare Certificate of Excellence in recognition of consistently receiving outstanding patient feedback six years in succession during 2019-2024.

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