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Written by a patient
2nd June 2019

Amazing results. After 15 years of depression and lack of self confidence I have been on drug for 10 years with 100% improvement. I feel so much better and have had no, I repeat, no episodes of depression since. I have low days but these are normal reactions to bad experiences. I suffer from one negative side effect, night sweats, but overall I can't fault it. I also notice dizziness if I forget to take it. Nb I have been on a dose of 300mg daily but anything less wasn't effective for me.

Side effects
Written by a patient
14th September 2017

I was prescribed this after half a dozen other anti-depressants were not effective (or the side effects were intolerable). At first the side effects were horrific: sweating, dizziness, "brain zaps". But they lessened as time went on. I haven't felt any emotional or mental benefit from taking Venlafaxine. I might as well be taking a sugar pill. I still get side effects of twitchy muscles, insomnia, brain fog etc. Psychiatrist did not explain how it works or why he chose it. I had to research it myself online. Missing even one dose gives me horrific 'brain zap' sensations. Like a jolt of electricity between your ears. I've heard it's quite common.

Side effects
Written by a patient
22nd August 2017

I suffer from Generalised Anxiety Disorder and depression. When I was originally diagnosed I was prescribed prozac. I was having a very bad time of things a few years ago and went back to my Doctor, and he took me off Prozac and put me on Venlafaxine and things have improved greatly. I now exercise regularly (which helps a lot - before I did not have the energy to contemplate anything like that) and find myself a lot calmer overall. Would recommend trying this drug.

Side effects
Written by a patient
4th April 2017

Ok, so just because it works wonders for me, does not automatically mean it will work for everyone. Generally speaking, it does appear to have a high result rate. It is a mood booster for me and I am slowly coming off it and my mood appears more stable. So, I love it.

Side effects
Written by a patient
6th February 2017

Only side effect I have is a dry mouth taking Venlafaxine. Other than that I have had no side effects and the drug has helped me enormously.

Side effects

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Venlafaxine is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs). Venlafaxine affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with depression.

Venlafaxine is used to treat major depressive disorder, anxiety, and panic disorder.


Short link to review Venlafaxine: