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Written by a patient
16th March 2016

I was referred to Kings, under the care of Richard Gullan, Consultant Neurosurgeon, following the diagnosis of two brain tumours in March 2015. My surgery was scheduled for July of the same year. Unfortunately I became very unwell at the beginning of July, and was admitted to my local hospital. My hospital decided I should be seen at Kings. I was seen by Mr. Gullan who then sent me back to my own hospital. The following day I was informed the surgery was cancelled, as I was considered to be to unwell to withstand the surgery. Now we jump forward to today, 16th March 2016. Since last July I have had ZERO contact from anyone at Kings. Nothing. EIGHT MONTHS. However, yesterday afternoon, the staggering level of incompetence really did go up a notch when I received a telephone call from the bed manager at Kings, who asked if I was expecting a call from them yesterday. I told her no I wasn't actually, and given the fact I have heard nothing from them, and given the serious nature of my condition, I have been forced to seek a second opinion, therefore I won't be having the surgery at Kings thank you very much. She then informed me my surgery was scheduled for today!!!! This is interesting because unless Kings has developed a magical all knowing remote human scanning device, how could they possibly have scheduled my major brain surgery, without ANY PRE OP ASSESSMENTS??? No MRSA swabs no lung capacity tests, no medication given one week prior to surgery. (Brain surgery patients have to have steroids for a week before surgery) See where I'm going with this now?? The bed manager, now very clearly embarrassed, muttered something but after informing her of this I simply ended the call. Shortly after I received another call, this time from a surgeon on the team. The conversation went as follows: "Hello my names ********** I'm calling from Kings, I've just spoken to our bed manager who has told me that you won't be having the surgery tomorrow, can I ask what's happened?" "Well since diagnosis over a YEAR ago, I was referred to Mr Gullan, who I saw shortly after. My surgery was scheduled for July. At the beginning of July I became very unwell and was admitted to my local hospital......sorry before I go any further what is your position?" "I'm a doctor on Mr Gullans team. What would have been yours......." "Oh OK so anyway, because I was ill it was decided I should be seen in clinic at Kings, so I was transported up in the back of a mini cab, complete with TPN line, morphine abdo pump, and several cannula, no nursing staff......." (Interrupts "good god") "So Mr Gullan saw me in clinic, decided I was in fact over medicated and sent me back. The following day I was informed my surgery was cancelled because I was too unwell to withstand the surgery. Have you ANY idea how psychologically damaging that was? From that day to this I have heard nothing, absolutely nothing. No follow up no nothing. And now today, I'm contacted and told my surgery is in the morning. Now correct me if I'm wrong but I understand that pre-op assessments are a prerequisite for any surgery, so unless Kings has a super secret all knowing device that has remotely scanned me and decided all is well, the level of incompetence I have been subjected to is utterly bloody appalling. No letter about that either.....Now as a former paramedic and a staunch supporter of the NHS I find myself on this side, disgusted with it all." "I have been a surgeon for 12 years, this is not acceptable whatsoever, this is terrible........" "So now because of it, or rather the lack of, I have got a second opinion with Mr ******, perhaps you've heard of him? (Interrupts "oh I have indeed") who has been amazing, and who will be performing my surgery instead, as quite frankly I have zero confidence in allowing someone who clearly doesn't give a shit, to cut into the very essence of what makes me, me. Its not a corn, its not a verruca, its a brain tumour, it might not be a big deal to you guys (interrupts "Its a big deal to me") but is is to ME, its a very deal for all of us, but this utter lack of care or concern is ridiculous beyond belief. Have you ANY idea how it is walking around with this thing in your brain? Then being ignored completely by what is supposed to be your team?" "I am so terribly sorry, I really am, this is not on whatsoever, with your kind permission I would like to find out just what's gone wrong here, I will also be feeding this back to Mr Gullan and I will also be wanting answers from the administrative team. Please accept my sincere apology on behalf of kings, I simply don't understand how this has been allowed to happen" "Thank you, I appreciate you calling and I know you must be busy, but I cannot stress enough how pissed off I am, as a medical professional and a patient. Clearly patient care isn't a high priority for your boss, the psychological impact of his couldn't care less attitude is huge, and unfortunately whether he was aware or not, he is ultimately responsible. I was his patient, therefore he has a duty of care towards me. Please feel free to quote me on that to him" "I absolutely will, and I will come back to you tomorrow and keep you updated as to the explanations for this, but someone needs to give you some answers, I would be bloody furious as well" OK I'll speak to you tomorrow if that's ok?" "For sure but I won't hold my breath" "I promise I'm calling you back, wait and see" "Ok thank you, bye" I'm very much looking forward to hearing what the big book of excuses has to say about this, very interested indeed!
