I was referred to Mr Barratt 9 weeks agi.I was drivung hime from work and i had what i thought was a seuzure.This turned out ti be a bleed in the brain.A CT scan and an MRI scan both with contrast shiwed 2 very smalk brain tumours in the left front lobe and a large tumour on the front right lobe.I was taken from my local hospital Monklands District to the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Glasgow.This is where i met Chris Barrett.Chris was as straight as they come he told me i needed an operation he told me he would get me through it He told me the dangers and side effects..He told me he would not operate if he didnt think it would help.This was a horrendous time for me and my family but we all met Chris as a family he jammed us in his small office on the ward and spoke to us all looking into our eyes he then told me youll be operated on the next morning Friday and all going well youll be home on the Monday.This gave us all such a lift.Chris was down to earth spoke not in medical terminology but as a person.He operated on me on the friday afternoin about 1.30 i was walking around the ward at 7.15 pm I cant thank Chris and his fantastic team enough and the nursing staff ckeaners and catering staff they are fantastic.I have a ways to go just finished 5 days radiotherapy and next Tuesday i have 1 session of radiosurgery.If it wasnt for Chris Barratt and his team i would not be hear.Please please support our NHS fight for it,Fight for better pay for our NHS staff