Share review of Mr Ali Qureishi
My problem, frontal sinus mucoceles with orbital and skull base erosion, materialised one year before I saw Dr. Qureishi. Following a dental report identifying sinus overflow, I was booked as an out patient at a local hospital and given a nasal spray and sinus rinse material. A sinus scan was arranged for 19 Nov. 2023. By that time I already had double vision and sinus overspill was rampant. In February 2024, I had two telephone appointments, neither were honoured so I wrote suggesting they actually took a look at my scan. My condition worsened as my left eye almost became closed and my forehead suffered severe pain. I healed myself by the end of May 2024 and then put pen to paper. This provoked an immediate reaction that resulted in the production of my scan and an urgent referral to Dr. Qureishi. To cause such damage, the sinus had to be leaking for 40 or 50 years. I was informed that any operation was too near the eyes and brain for comfort.
After the past year, I was not expecting much so there there was a frission of excitement when I realised that Dr. Qureishi had immediately obtained my scan that had taken place at the Royal Berks. Very soon after that realisation, I received an appointment to see Dr, Qureishi.
Dr. Qureishi has a commanding and reassuring presence that inspires confidence and explained in detail what he had to do to correct the situation and the pros and cons of surgery or the daily management of the offending condition. I chose surgery and, in fact, was elated and relaxed about it, not only because I was impressed by Dr. Qureishi, but also an awareness that if the problems previously mentioed returned I would likely not escape unscathed.
I really did not expect it so soon. An operation date of August 30. Great! The appointments came like clockwork, i.e. the sinus scan, the pre-op and the MRI scan.
On the day of the operation, there was drama when the anaesthetist doctor (an execellent lady) detected a heart hiccup that prevented the operation. Here we go, I thought, back to square one. I was rushed to Cardiology. After many tests and a long delay the Cardiologist decided it was safe to operate. To my surprise, Dr. Qureishi turned up immediately and said he would do it rightaway, which he did very successfully.
I am not qualified to give an opinion on surgeons skills, but the referral would suggest Dr. Qureishi is top notch..I did, however, spend my working life facing the public, the good,the bad and the ugly, and I would put Dr. Qureishi in the brilliant cstegory so would guess he is also a brilliant surgeon.