This gp did not listen.He was rude, and quite unkind.I visited abdelmutti, as I had been told by another gp at this surgery to pre book an appointment to see abdelmutti for a particular reason.This was written in my notes by the first gp, but abdelmutti said rudely and critically to me "what are you doing here?"abdelmutti did not obviously read at least the previous note in my medical record.Had he read the note, as he should have done, he would not, maybe, have criticised me for having booked to see him!Surely all gps are meant to at least read the gp's note from the previous visit of each patient!There's no continuity here.As abdelmutti did not read what another gp had told me to do, and what that gp had subsequently written in my records, abdelmutti had a really nasty go at me.It's not my fault if one gp cannot be bothered to read the last entry in a patient's records, and can't, therefore, see what his gp colleague advised.abdelmutti was not very nice to me at all.he was demeaning and belittling.It was his fault he didn't know why I was there, and he didn't then listen to my explanation, in that his fellow colleague had sent me there, and the reasons why!abdelmutti did not listen at all to what was wrong with me, but he became cross that his colleague had advised me to see him.Furthermore, abdelmutti took it out on me, as if I'd booked to see him for no reason.abdelmutti then did nothing to help, but proceeded to mutter under his breath, and be more rude.I was made to feel as though I had done something wrong in following the first gp's request, so I left not helped, not listened to, and not spoken to once by abdelmutti in any fair or decent way at all!abdelmutti made me feel quite uncomfortable, and I have no confidence in him at all.I have no confidence in this surgery at all.My friend tried to tell abdelmutti about a different gp from here, who had caused complete disruption to my friend, due to a misdiagnosis, and it was a major misdiagnosis, far off the mark from what had actually been wrong!However, abdelmutti put out his hand to stop this discussion, and told my friend to shut up.But abdelmutti is meant to be the head lead gp here, so this does concern him!Leave here if you can.Do not register here if you're new to the area.Do not trust this surgery.You will regret it if you do.Many Sprowston residents have regretted it, had bad treatment, and made the decision to leave!