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Written by a patient
28th October 2019

On the whole, I received good care form the majority of staff who work at the Q.E.Q.M hospital. However, I want to point out a problem that has occured a few times, and to different people [so it is not isolated]. A friend of mine was told that she would have to have a significant surgery and to go to speak to her doctor for the surgical procedure. She went to see her doctor who told her that the results were fine, no surgery was necessary at all. The report he received was from the same member of staff who has said that she required a significant surgery. I had a baby at the QEQM a few years ago, I was treated with contempt and ignored [which had consequences] simply because I was wearing a hijab. Then, just this month, I saw another specialist [cancer] and she refused to scan me, but diagnosed me as having cancer. However, I have not had a follow up appointment, so this makes me doubt that she had any right to say any such thing. I know many staff at the QEQM, they happen to be muslim and are sometimes subject to such snidy treamtent. What I would say is, being kind and courteous to a patient should be a given. [I am always polite and friendly, as I see myself in a position of being grateful, and my mother taught me that good manners are free, so use them liberally!] I am English, [as was my friend], but I often wonder... how must it feel for someone facing potentially life threatening, life ending diagnosis, when they are being treated in such an underhand and unprofessional manner? I now, doubt the diagnosis , and even doubt that I'll get to the truth. I do not want an operation I do not need, and I do not wish to be treated as 'angst' fodder for the average disenfranchised hospital worker. The vast majority of staff are excellent, but - these rotten apples, make me distrust the system. what to do?
